
Showing posts from November, 2021

The Importance of Gratitude

  Our lives tend to become extremely busy, and sometimes we forget to stop and think of all those for which we are grateful to have in our lives. Being grateful and expressing that gratitude doesn’t take much effort and has huge benefits.  Several optimists recommend doing a daily gratitude journal. This act forces us to pause, reflect, and truly think about the people, experiences, and luxuries that we may have in which to be grateful.  When it comes to DeWitt Public Schools, we have countless reasons to be grateful: DeWitt is a fantastic and supportive community. Thank you for passing our bond!  Teachers and staff are all extremely committed to our students. From our drivers who are the first to smile at students and the office staff assisting with needs, the custodians taking care of our facilities, and our food service committed to giving students healthier, more balanced options, to our teachers working to provide engaging, authentic experiences to students, paras supporting stude

DPS Pays Tribute to Veterans

It was such an honor to be involved at this year's 15th Annual Veterans Day Ceremony. Teachers, technology, support staff, students, and the community offered tribute in many ways. It is with great honor to stand before these heroes, servicemen, and women and share with them our gratitude, admiration, and appreciation for their service, love, and loyalty to our country. As a military wife for the past two decades whose family has been through several deployments, I fully understand the duty, love, and sacrifice of veterans. I was able to pay tribute to them today, not only as a district leader, sharing our appreciation for each of them, but I am also a daughter, daughter-in-law, and wife with the utmost pride in recognizing my father’s service in the Army, my father-in-law’s service to the Navy, and with as much pride as a person can exhibit, recognize my husband, Mack Spickard, who was just promoted to Colonel, for his service to the Army and the Army National Guard.  While it is