
Showing posts from July, 2023

Summer Tips for a Better Fall

Preparing for back to school is more manageable when students continue to learn over the summer and keep routines in place. It is typical to see a dip in scores in the fall. This is commonly known as the “summer slide.” Taking a long summer break without ways to engage children academically and/or allow them to think critically can cause a setback when they come back to school. Families can take several proactive steps to prevent the summer slide, which refers to the loss of academic skills and knowledge during summer break. Making time for activities to stimulate, develop, or maintain their skills can make school more enjoyable and successful when they return. These are easy tips for summer plans. Remember, summer should also be a relaxation, fun, and exploration time. Balance academic and recreational activities to ensure a well-rounded summer experience for your family. Read : Students should read anything that interests them. This can be picture books, chapter books, graphic books,