Working Together to Help Move the District Forward


DeWitt Public Schools 2022 Strategic Planning Group

This past Saturday, about four dozen stakeholders including Board members, administrators, teachers, staff, parents, students, and community members participated in a strategic planning retreat facilitated by MASB. As part of the steps to this strategic planning process, I worked with key cabinet members to summarize our important work over the last several years, and I presented a "State of the District" update on the progress. This helped the team that was assembled to understand the current goals and progress, so we could determine our plans to move the district forward. As a group, participants reviewed survey data, comparison data, and topics, of finances, personnel, achievement, and more. In addition, we made our way through several discussions and brainstorming protocols to develop a vision (the what our district does), a mission (how we do it), belief statements, and goal areas based on district and community input and discussion. 

The next step in this process includes an implementation planning workshop with the district administrators to take a final product to the Board for approval. Once this takes place, we will embark on a public relations campaign that will foster branding, expectations, goals, and a roadmap for the next five years. 

We are so very appreciative and grateful for the overwhelming participation in this process and our continued work to create and maintain a collaborative and collective #CultureofExcellence at DeWitt Public Schools. 

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